Corte de cabelo: conheça 5 aplicativos para simular um novo estilo - Planeta Sports

Haircut: discover 5 apps to simulate a new style


We have heard many times throughout our lives that “a haircut changes a person”. This maxim makes sense. Not that we change our personality when we change our hair, but our face changes completely.

Try looking in the mirror one fine day, with long or short hair, and in two or three months, look at yourself again with your hair the opposite way. It's a huge difference!

Some time ago, when technology did not have the proportions it has today, this exercise could, as was said above, last months. But today it takes seconds to complete, just point your cell phone camera at yourself.

You just need to add the right application with the right angle. We can't resolve the angle for you, but the app can. 

Thinking about making your life easier, freeing you from the long search for “cuts for face x”, made every time you decide to cut your hair, we have put together the best apps to simulate a haircut. 

With them we made a list, which will start from the least complete to the most — it is important that you keep this placement in mind, because it followed a versatility criterion. 

Who else uses apps to simulate a haircut?

We can tell you something interesting: of all the apps we selected, the majority are aimed at women. 

This tendency is normal, in the same way that sports apps immediately remind men; and anyone who asked themselves the same question in this thread could bet on exactly the result we gave. 

But that doesn't mean that boys aren't increasingly looking for a perfect haircut, in harmony with their own faces. 

In the comments on the application pages, in the two main stores where these products are sold, it is possible to see compliments and complaints made by men as well.

As we said, the majority are still female — perhaps because there is still a certain lack of aesthetics among men — but the boys are also there, questioning, sharing their impressions. 

And this growth is perfectly normal. Who doesn't want a haircut that enhances the shape of their face? Feeling good aesthetically transforms cleanliness into mental health, and everyone has a perfect haircut for their face type. 

Let's make a deal: after you read this list — especially if you're a man —, download one of the apps and leave a comment on its page about how you felt. Closed?

But if you don't want to, you don't have to, okay? 

Five best apps to simulate a haircut

Here we have selected five apps that simulate your haircut. There are only five of the many that exist. But these seemed to us the best; We don't want you to waste time.

Before we present the first one, we need you to remember our evaluation criteria and the ordering of the list. She will start with the least versatile, go through the intermediate ones and end with the most versatile. 

Let's go!

5th Hair Simulator

This is a simpler and less technological application than the others. 

It provides ready-made assemblies and has a not very large range of models.

The fact that it comes with ready-made models, in which you need to fit your face perfectly to avoid creating an uneven photo, makes it a limited application, ideal only for testing.

The haircut models are also inflexible — some even cartoonish. 

Lastly, it is only available for Android, which leaves iOS users out. But for Android users: try it, it doesn't hurt to try.

4th Modeling Photo

Our fourth place in this curious list of haircut simulators is Foto Modelador. 

It is more flexible than the previous one. Although it also has the pre-model option, there are more options for individual cuts, so you can avoid the hassle of fitting your face into the models. 

There is also a wide variety of accessories to match the cuts and give you an idea of ​​combinations to use.

The disadvantage is for men. Just like the previous app, this one does not contain men's cuts. So guys, keep reading — girls too, because there are better options.

Foto Modelador is also exclusive to Android

3°  Hairystyles Tutorials DIY 

Third place on the list is a jump from the first two. 

First: it works with AI to adapt a haircut to your liking to your face, or even suggest one of those available in the app, distributed in long, medium and short cuts. 

Second: there are complete tutorials to help you create the hairstyles you've always wanted, all in an educational and detailed way. 

Additionally, the application is available for iOS It is Android; Of the ones we've brought so far, it's the first multiplatform. 

On the other hand, even with advances, it is yet another application without male options. 

2nd Haircut Simulator

The name is simple, straight to the point, but it has many haircut options, ranging from short to long styles, and, finally, with men's options. 

Like the previous one, it also has facial adjustment. But it differs from the others presented so far by the possibility of creating shades, giving the user an idea of ​​what it would be like if their hair were dyed with more than one color.  

To confirm the high quality of the application, it is also multiplatform (Android It is iOS). 

1° FaceApp

Finally, we arrived at the champion of our research: FaceApp. 

This application does not need lengthy introductions; is currently the most used application to simulate a haircut. Such fame is understandable, as the application brings complete facial changes, with expression adjustments and much more. 

It occupies our first place not by chance, but because it combines the best of all the others (many models, facial adjustment, accessible to Android It is iOS and has models for both sexes).

Did you like the content?

We hope so. O Planeta Sports I've brought you the five best apps available on the market so you can choose one that suits your needs, saving you from wasting time searching. 

Now, go there and download your favorite.

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